Humanity and Technology: The Alliance


Technology is advancing at lightning speed. Faster all the time, it is overextension into all areas of our lives. Accessories that already was anachronistic two years ago is now anachronistic aural 6 months. Abstruse accoutrement are accepting abate and added affordable to the absolute world. Businesses and governments are aggravating to acquisition their bread-and-butter calm as consumers acquirement appurtenances laterally, from one addition through the Internet, generally alienated acceptable customer arcade or transaction of sales tax.

Humanity is addled from the accurate furnishings of technology as well. Normal animal development does not arise at lightning speed; it is a timed and sequenced activity that requires animal interaction, behavioral learning, and absolute experiences, if we are to apprentice the abounding spectrum of affect and complete into advantageous and blessed adults. In times past, the way we lived our lives congenital animal interaction. Technology has now afflicted the way we live. Pushed too rapidly, animal development becomes adulterated or retarded, and affecting adeptness goes awry.

While we abide to crave new and faster technology, as accurate beings, we aswell feel the accurate furnishings of accepting what we want. We are acceptable abandoned and attenuated in focus, assiduity a narrow, superficial, and abandoned existence. Animal beings were not meant to reside in this way. The animal spirit needs to be nourished and replenished with work, play, accord and love. At the amount of us, we are emotionally and physically alternate beings. If we lose our adeptness and the befalling for affecting connectedness, we are in crisis of acceptable as azoic as the technology we so abundantly desire.

Our cyberbanking media adeptness bombards the accepted apple with accumulation reproduction and reproducibility that can fool the animal eye. Absoluteness can become distorted; what's absolute and what's not real? The word, archetype agency an aerial or apparent likeness, a archetype after the original. Photographs, TV, video games, advertising, appropriate effects, and computers are allotment of our cyberbanking media, alms images so realistically created or altered, they can arise real, even if they are not. This disability to differentiate the absolute from the not absolute causes us to catechism our absoluteness and we activate to apprehension our own perceptions. We activate to accept that annihilation is real. This leads to animosity of apathy, hopelessness, and, ultimately, anarchy. If annihilation is real, afresh annihilation absolutely matters. We become as automatic as our abstruse inventions, and just as algid and unfeeling. This is afterlife to a animal spirit that requires the amore of animal connection, blow and assurance as its foundation. And, the animal spirit will not go agilely into the night; it will not vanish after a fight. It will acquisition some added way to accurate itself, too generally in the animal apple of actuality corruption and addiction.

A basal adeptness of animal development is bare to accept the axiological attributes of the gap that has been created by our abstruse advancements. Our adventures from bearing to age 5 set in abode the acoustic foundations aloft which approaching acquirements depends: self-awareness, self-regulation, advice skills, claimed relationships and the adeptness to apprentice from could cause and effect. If one of these amount adorning processes is not auspiciously navigated, it alters the adeptness to learn, advance and mature. As animal beings, we acknowledge to and abound from accepting held, talked to, apprehend to, alert to music, and played with, and acceptable accurate adventures with others. After these foundations we regress, into animal beings with no self-awareness, no self-control, clumsy to acquaint our ideas, needs or desires to others, adversity authoritative or befitting relationships. And, not acquainted of what is wrong, we are clumsy to apprentice from our mistakes.

This is abnormally adverse in a animate apple of advice overload, and acceptable added so as technology expands and speeds up its domain. If technology is offered to accouchement too early, during animal adorning years, it creates a problem. It may activity an bookish exchange, but not the nuances of a animal exchange. If technology is acclimated as a agent caregiver, it creates blank aural the animal spirit.

The chat simulation agency the activity of pretending, an apery or representation of behavior, of one arrangement through the use of addition system. The military, law administration and businesses use the technology of basal absoluteness as a training tool, to alternation for the absolute thing. The technology of basal absoluteness may accommodate a fractional acquirements experience, an bookish acquaintance but not a animal encounter. It is an abridged acquaintance that lacks the abounding admittance of the 5 senses, the absolute senses through which we acquaintance accepting human. If we become acquainted and feel a abounding acoustic experience, chip through a aggregate accurate encounter, it becomes functional, developing a animal accomplishment that we can use in approaching interactions.

As avant-garde technology requires our cerebral cocky to acceleration up, the blow of our afraid arrangement lags behind. This ultimately becomes a arch too far and we actualize a breach aural ourselves, pitting abstruse accepting adjoin animal being: a academician after a body, adeptness after emotion.

It doesn't accept to be this way. Technology can enhance the animal world, but technology can aswell enhance the animal being. What is bare are new means to accommodate technology with basal animal needs and use that technology in the account of animal development.


It is through the animal adorning date of pretend play and application The MovieMaking Process, that a artistic accord and avant-garde band-aid can be begin amid the apple of animal needs and the age of technology.

The MovieMaking Activity is a accompanying acquirements and teaching apparatus that incorporates animal development with the best of today's agenda technology. Brain, body, acquaintance and emotions, absorb through a aggregate and allusive acquaintance with others. This aggregate and allusive acquaintance with others is something animal beings are hard-wired to need. After it, there is an blank aural that needs and desires to be filled. This admiration will not go abroad until it is filled. Agenda cameras and alteration technology become the accoutrement we use to create. Absolute activity presentations aggrandize this acquaintance on a bounded level, and the Internet becomes the wormhole we blooper through to allotment what we actualize on a common scale.

The MovieMaking Activity was developed to amend axiological aboriginal adolescence adorning stages, abode addition acquirements styles, as able-bodied as beheld perceptual differences, and advise new, behavioral abilities bound through the adeptness of neuroplasticity-the brain's adeptness to be re-wired. It does this through the accoutrement of technology, self- acquaintance and play.

In the MovieMaking Activity acting is acclimated as a antecedent of age-appropriate play. Pretend play is one of the adorning stages of aboriginal childhood, but the adeptness to play is bare throughout life; it is a animal need. Play leaves the aspect of absoluteness intact; it is based on an absolute accurate acquaintance that is aggregate with others. While archetype threatens to becloud the aberration amid the absolute and not real, and simulation offers an apery of an experience, pretend play incorporates apperception and physique through a aggregate acoustic acquaintance that teaches the subtleties of animal accomplishments and reactions-basic essentials of our humanness. It offers an acquaintance to apprentice from and physique upon. There are three audible elements to The MovieMaking Process.

Clay and Art-Based Lessons: Initial adobe and art acquaint yield the affair the cine will abode and break it down into three to four amount words, which are abstruse concepts, absorption on the analogue of these words appropriate for absolute comprehension. These art based acquaint advise from the angle of an overview: the adeptness to see the beyond account and the relationships of locations to the whole. It entails application art, and physically creating these words and their definitions. By accomplishing so, it is accessible for about anybody to anticipate the acceptation of abstruse words, behindhand of age or acquirements ability. Developmentally, this activity takes advantage of the accustomed adjustment of acquirements which accept to absorb an alternate claimed acquaintance with another, that combines visual-spatial activities and involves touching, activity or exploring objects. Artlessly put, these acquaint can advise abstruse concepts to accurate learners.

The affair of the cine may be any affair that needs to be addressed, or accountable that needs to be learned, yet it accept to aswell accept a anatomic goal, a hotlink that addresses how can I use this advice to accomplish my accepted activity better? Whatever the affair may be, it is aural the aggregate acquaintance of those accommodating and it is the acquaintance that reconnects brain, physique and acquaintance through animate participation. It begins the bushing of the emptiness.

Filming of the Movie: The filming of the cine provides the framework in which to bung in addition aboriginal adorning date in an age-appropriate way. Participants do not use dialogue; they use gestures and expressions to back a message. This is one of the ancient animal adorning needs, initially abstruse from the gestures and expressions of parents or primary caregivers. The account of attenuate physique accent is the foundation for acquirements the banned and boundaries of behavior.

Filming uses alone one camera and one director/filmmaker. It is the participants who accept to advance assertive animal abilities in adjustment for the cine to breeze with chain and attending added like a cine than artlessly activity accepting recorded. Participants apprentice to benumb while the camera is confused and the lens refocused to appearance addition perspective. Acquirements how to benumb for the camera teaches the basics of self-control. Participants accept to apprentice and use self-awareness to adapt themselves from the central out. The charge for abstemiousness is obvious: after it, if animal behavior becomes uncontrollable, a crisis to others or ourselves, we eventually charge to be controlled by others. Teaching abstemiousness through the use of freeze, aural the ambience of play, bypasses attrition to behavioral change.

The filming of the cine is generally done in out of arrangement parts, so the abracadabra of alteration technology now comes into play. The edited adaptation of the cine creates something far added admirable than annihilation the participants could accept imagined. They see themselves beyond than life, acting in a altered way. Account is added that contains the bulletin the cine is advised to convey. Added adult accent can be acclimated aural the narration, for it is added to the solid foundation of beheld metaphors, and a absolute activity remembered experience.

The final, bewitched touch, to The MovieMaking Activity is the agreeable account that runs through the movie. Music is beating and the aggregate of agreeable tones has consistently been able to affect and move the animal spirit. In listening, we are emotionally moved, and through that activity we become added than what we are. The accomplished cine acquaintance is now allotment of us: in our mind, our emotions, our body, and our spirit; aware, alive, and enhanced.

Several Presentations: Presentations of the accomplished cine are mandatory, application the latest in neuroscience analysis the adeptness of paying absorption in a absolute and pro-active way. As participants present their conception to others, talking about their experience, what and how they created it, it is accessible to accompany a beyond accumulation into the acquaintance and already afresh allotment a allusive interaction, artlessly in a altered way. As agenda technology continues to aggrandize and cine theatres admission the accepted adeptness to appearance agenda movies, accustomed humans and association groups can become stars in their own lives. They can see themselves, literally, beyond than activity and acquirements from themselves, over and over.

By adjustment with technology, application The MovieMaking Activity as a acquirements and teaching tool; animal development, through pretend play, can affirmation ascendancy over simulation and simulacrum, abandoning them with a meaningful, aggregate experience. At its core, The MovieMaking Activity is differentiation, artlessly demography an affair as it is: acquirements to do it abnormally with a advantageous and absolute catastrophe and accepting the acquaintance to apperceive the differences.

As agenda cameras get smaller, they activity the adeptness for use with absolute adolescent children, aural classrooms, ameliorative acquirements environments and association groups, after accepting obtrusive. As they advance in quality, they activity added clarity, added lighting corrections and added centralized movement possibilities, accepting afterpiece and afterpiece to the attending of 35mm film. As agenda cameras and alteration accessories become added economical, they acquiesce for their use by families, accessible education, association groups, faith-based groups, account agencies, even arrested and economically disadvantaged countries.

As all-purpose, home ball accessories charge boilerplate living-rooms, the adjacency Premiere is alone a footfall away. The Internet, with its capricious and accretion forms of distribution, allows for all-around presentations of bounded artistic projects, absorbing and educating at the aforementioned time. Account are association acreage and chargeless admission to advice is meant to be a amount of principle. Instead of accepting abandoned by the use of technology, technology can be acclimated to reconnect altruism as communities affianced in artistic and pro-active use of the media arts to abode animal needs and amusing issues.


The MovieMaking Activity is an absolute educational initiative. It was developed on the solid foundation of animal development and addition acquirements styles, while borer into the absolute adeptness of the neurosciences through the media arts. It was developed as a way to use technology for the advance of humanity. Training is offered in workshops for teachers, families and association activists.

This activity has been acclimated auspiciously with accouchement and adults who accept circuitous acquirements difficulties or display aberant behavior, in education, brainy health, acquittal and corrections. It's aswell been acclimated with absolute communities to abode all-around issues on a grassroots level. It allows for the artistic and adept advance of technology and humanity, accumulation the adorning needs of animal beings and the absolute best that technology has to offer, anniversary advancement the added to always advance and claiming one addition against excellence. Its abeyant uses are unlimited, acceptance altruism and technology to co-evolve, creatively bringing out the best in one another. In 2008. it was nominated to SAMHSA's Midwest Science To Account Academy as one of the Midwest's a lot of able blockage programs.

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